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Element - Bead Annealer or 11/9

Price: $37.00
USPS Priority is the least expensive shipping, trackable, and 2-3 days
 The coil is for the Bead Annealer model where the coil goes once around. The kiln is a 120 volt, 13 amp model.  Models that this  coil works for is GS Bead, AF3P Bead, AF3P Upper Coil Bead with Flip Door, and 11/9.  If in doubt please call when in front of the kiln to get the right coil.    It takes about 20 minutes to change this part.


Please provide serial number for the kilns your parts are for. Usually located on the upper left side of the control box. This helps us make sure you get exactly what you need.
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